Voki is an educational tool that allows users to create their very own talking character.
Voki characters can be customized to look like historical figures, cartoons, animals, and even yourself! Give your Voki a voice by recording with a microphone, using our dial-in number, or uploading an audio file. Voki characters can be emailed, shared on social media, and embedded on websites!
There is a Voki Classroom, and is a student assignment management system for Voki. With Voki Classroom, teachers are able to control their students' privacy settings. Visit our Products page to see the benefits of upgrading to Voki Classroom.
Voki gives to teachers the opportunity to engage students in any topic area through a simple to use and free resource available anytime and anywhere for almost any purpose.
You can use Voki with students of all ages and they ALL love it and on many occasions, students can go home and show parents and use them on their own personal blogs or wiki’s.
Voki’s for:
Getting feedback from students
Getting students to add a more human feel to their blog or wiki
Foreign language speakers to express views and opinions easier
Engaging and hooking students into a subject or topic
Interacting with students on a global level (e.g. quad blogging)
Practising and listening to their presentations (e.g. pronunciation)

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